Officers of Election
Election Day
Officers of Election must arrive at the precinct by 5 a.m. and must stay until all closing tasks have been completed. The polls close at 7 p.m., and closing tasks usually take about 1 to 1½ hours.
Officers are not allowed to leave the polling place during work hours. Meals for breaks may be brought, delivered, etc.
Montgomery County pays $250.00 for Election Day plus $25.00 to attend training. Officer assignments last the full day (with breaks).
Morning tasks include arranging tables and chairs, hanging signs, and setting up pollbooks and voting machines.
During voting hours, Officers work at several positions:
- Pollbook Officer
- Ballot Distribution Officer
- Marking Booth Officer
- Voting Machine Officer
Officers are moved from position to position to become familiar with different tasks. All jobs can be performed while sitting, but some are better performed while standing or walking around. Accommodations may be made, if standing for more than 15 minutes
is a problem.
After the polls close, several tasks must be completed before Officers may leave, including:
- Shutting down voting machines and pollbooks
- Packing up voting equipment
- Tidying up the polling space
- Completing paperwork
Becoming an Officer of Election
In order to sign up officially, complete the Officer of Election Oath or Affirmation and
the Response to Appointment. Your signature on
the Oath must be witnessed by a Notary, a Clerk of the Court, an Electoral Board member, or a member of the Registrar’s staff.
You may complete the forms at the Registrar’s office, or you may return them by U.S. Mail, by scanning and e-mailing to or by
faxing to 540-381-6811.